Annual Trip to the Cape

If there is one thing I know I will be doing every summer it’s taking a trip to the Cape. Cape Cod is one of my favorite summer destinations. I love just driving or walking around the cape and taking in the breathtaking scenery and of course delicious food! We stayed in Eastham but took day trips to two of my favorite towns: Chatham and P-town. This year in Chatham they had a “Shark Parade” where different groups and businesses decorated a shark on a stick and swarmed the park with them. Each shark was so beautiful and unique, and the details were incredible. So I guess since many of you won’t be able to go yourself, Ill send you through a mini tour of the shark parade so you can enjoy just how incredible they are.


Shark Parade!


my favorite! love the texture

my favorite! love the texture


chatham lighthouse



old dock. P-town

old dock. P-town

making friends in p-town

making friends in p-town

angry seagull

angry seagull

FEED USA collection at target

Im sorry for being probably the laziest blogger out there. Since I didn’t have a kitchen during the school year I took it as an excuse to push my blog aside and honestly regret doing so. So heres to hoping that I can better keep up with posting and expand my topics to hopefully continuing through the school year.

Now with my apology aside I would love to share how excited I am for the new FEED USA collection coming to target JUNE 30! I have always been a fan of their products but haven’t owned any FEED pieces myself. With the new target collection right at my finger tips I think its about time I purchase my first piece.. or two or three.. they’re just so cute, and reasonable!  It also helps that each product donates a certain number of meals with each purchase. enough rambling, I suggest you take a look at the new target collection, and their main website which may or may not make you drool.
