And a Happy New Year!

My blogging has been less then sub par this past year. With school and little free time it’s hard to keep up with posting. With the new year here i resolve to post often and improve my blogging in general. But before I talk about what is to come with this new year I want to send off 2013 right by saying a RIP to my cat Chai who passed away December 14th. He was my best friend and we grew up together so it was very hard for me to say goodbye but I know he is happy! If you ask anyone who knew chai, cat lover or not, they will say how great of a cat he was!

Please check out this awesome Christmas gift my sister got me to remember my best friend!

Now for this new year I am very excited to announce that I will be studying abroad in Granada, Spain this spring semester, so please continue to follow me and my journey through Europe! I hope everyone had a great 2013 and is excited to see what 2014 has to bring!

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